Dale Sandvall, D.C., DIBAK 5920 Interstate 20 W # 110 Arlington, TX 76017
  • phone icon (817) 561-0808
  • faq (817) 561-4998
  • Pain Free Life

    You can have a

    Pain Free Life

    & it is easier

    than you think!

    Over Thirty Years Experience in Pain Relief


  • Chiropratic Care
  • Applied Kinesiology
  • Cold Laser
  • Decompression
  • Lipo Laser
  • Hair Grow

review top quoteGood health is intentional and requires intelligent care – chiropractic care.review bot quote

Arlington Chiropractor

Choosing the right Arlington chiropractor doesn’t have to be a stressful process. During an initial consultation, a patient can determine whether or not the chiropractor’s expertise suits their treatment needs. With years of experience, Dr. Sandvall has treated countless clients in Arlington, helping them resolve a variety of ailments and medical conditions with outstanding chiropractic care.

Chiropractic Care in Arlington

Our Arlington, Texas chiropractor is a specialist in spine and joint pain. Our expert in chiropractic care has a keen understanding of the joints, spine and soft tissues of the body. As such, Dr. Sandvall understands how conditions in these areas affect the body and how they can cause other conditions such as sciatica, fibromyalgia and herniated disks. With extensive knowledge and a proven track record of success, he can treat any patient with any type of pain or discomfort.

Dr. Dale Sandvall has been bringing premium chiropractic care to Texas (specifically Arlington, Fort Worth, Mansfield, and Grand Prairie) for over 30 years. Over the course of his profession, countless patients have had the life-changing effect of pain relief following his chiropractic care services. It is an easy, effective, and trusted method to bring you into the next chapter of your life, free of having just to put up with or try to ignore the pain.

Our musculoskeletal systems and nervous systems are some of the most important aspects of our bodies. Everything we do depends on the functionality and health of these systems: from getting up out of bed, to pushing the limits of this week’s Crossfit challenge, to playing with children, and even just sitting at your desk while at work. If there is an imbalance in one of these systems, it becomes immediately noticeable and can hinder even the most common and usually carefree activity, turning it into something you’d rather avoid than enjoy.

Some of the disorders that can develop from the normal wear-and-tear of living include pain in the back, neck, and joints, as well as headaches. Anyone who has ever had to turn down a game of catch with the little one can relate: succumbing to pain offers little reward. Aside from avoiding or dealing with the pain that prevented you from participating or pushing yourself to the limit, you have to deal with the emotional burden of having to opt out. Like the over 900 professional athletes that have visited Dr. Sandvall over the years, the decision to opt out because of pain can mean the difference between playing ball or not; a compromise of livelihood!
You understand your pain and how it limits you but does anyone else?

Your first trip to a chiropractor like Dr. Dale Sandvall will be the best answer to that question.
Chiropractic care is the most effective option for those seeking back pain relief, neck pain relief, or relief from any number of afflictions that your body might be experiencing. Offering a drug-free and hands-on approach, Dr. Dale Sandvall will examine, diagnose, and treat patients based on the severity of their disorders. Patients will also receive broad recommendations regarding various therapeutic and rehabilitative exercises; nutritional, dietary, and lifestyle counseling; as well as referrals to other specialists if their condition requires such further care or treatment.

Some of the options for pain relief offered include:

Chiropractic Care involves the most basic process of finding out where you hurt, why you hurt, and what you can do to not only feel better, but prevent it from happening as well. Typical hands-on treatments, such as spinal manipulation, and are often utilized to treat everyday aches and pains and restore mobility to the joints. If necessary, additional or outside treatment will be recommended.

Applied Kinesiology will utilize manual muscle testing as well as other standard methods of diagnosis to evaluate structural, chemical, and mental aspects of health. Drawing from a wide variety of disciplines, applied kinesiology will find the sources of disorders and facilitate balance in these three aspects of health will get patients back on their feet again.

Cold Laser treatments from Erchonia Medical are also available, offering yet another medication-free approach to pain relief. Cold Laser technology can target back, neck, and shoulder pain with astonishing results, and is beginning to show promise in the areas of bone healing as well. This non-invasive procedure is known for biostimulating the body on a cellular level in a way that does not leave scars or pain in its wake, as with surgery.

Decompression services utilize the DRX9000 Combination System in order to combat and relieve pain in the lower back and neck regions. This advanced machinery decompresses the intervertebral discs linked with the patient’s pain.

Lipo Laser is another tool donning the aforementioned cold laser technology; only this particular machinery can target excess fat in a non-invasive manner. Zerona is the first non-invasive body-contouring procedure, and the results have been leaving patients not only trimmer, but bewildered.

The importance of reaching a balance in your musculoskeletal and nervous systems cannot be understated. A healthy body and a healthy mind are essential ingredients to living long, fulfilling lives. Finding the right chiropractic care, be it proactive or reactive, can help maintain or bring your body back into balance, and the rewards from there are invaluable.

Relieve yourself of the pain of having to find the right doctor and call Dr. Dale Sandvall today to speak with a pain expert, and get yourself on the right path to finding the relief from your physical pain.

What’s a Chiropractic Adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment (or chiropractic manipulation) is a therapeutic treatment that is used for a variety of injuries. Dr. Sandvall applies controlled force to the area that has abnormal movement patterns or that is failing to function properly. The objective of this treatment is to reduce subluxations or misaligned joints, thereby improving function, increasing range of motion and/or reducing nerve pain or other discomfort.

What Subluxations Does to the Body?

Subluxations can irritate nerve tissue, leading to pain or inflammation. If left uncorrected, subluxations can leave the body out of sync, requiring chiropractic care from an Arlington chiropractor. Dr. Sandvall utilizes techniques designed to adjust these subluxations. After a consultation, he can determine which would be most effective for your particular situation.

The bone-cracking sound, known as “gapping the joint,” can also be treated. In these cases, the two surfaces pull apart and a pop is heard. This pop is synovial fluid that lubricates the joint made of CO2, nitrogen and oxygen. Patients report that the relief that Arlington chiropractic care and spinal adjustments provide is felt almost immediately.

What Can Chiropractic Adjustments Treat Effectively?

Chiropractic adjustments have been proven to help a variety of medical conditions. Fibromyalgia, for example, makes patients sensitive to touch, leading to pain. Chiropractic adjustments provide relief to these patients. For those suffering from migraines, chiropractic adjustments can correct irregularities and reduce tension that leads to these chronic headaches. Back and neck pain can also be corrected with chiropractic care techniques focused on muscles, joints, nerves and discs. Chiropractic adjustments can also treat other conditions, such as sciatica, TMJ or pinched nerves.

Seek Professional Chiropractic Care in Arlington Today

Get the chiropractic adjustment that you need today. Dr. Sandvall, an Arlington chiropractor, has years of experience and is well qualified to help treat any patient seeking his professional help. Chiropractic care can help maintain or bring your body back into balance. By establishing a balance in your body, you will achieve optimal health.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Sandvall today, call his Arlington chiropractic office at (817) 561-0808.